reSkued Case Study

Cargill (Summer 2023)

May 2023 - July 2023

UXUI Designer

Adaeze Asonye (UXUI Designer)

Learning Outcomes
UX Research, Prototyping, Figma, UX Design, Agile Methodology

reSkued is a Cargill startup dedicated to combating food waste at the distributor level. By identifying at-risk inventory, reSkued prevents food waste and sells products to local businesses before they go bad.

My team leveraged user feedback from recent test pilots to identify customer experience friction areas and prototypes UX improvements. Specifically, it was noted that the ability to delegate pickup and splitting bulk orders with others would be a valuable feature for reSkuers.

Our Objective

Research and Insights

From the first test pilot, the reSkued product team identified sources of UX fiction areas and formed two different backlog items: delegating pickup and group buying. We researched on similar products that had these two features and how aspects of them could be implemented into reSkued, along with the overall goal of these features.

Delegating Pickup


Delegate the task of picking up reSkued orders to someone other than the main account holder. How can reSkued accomodate in the case that they cannot pickup the order.

Group Buying


Bulk quantities and prices might be too much and expensive for small to medium sized businesses. How can these businesses take advantage of splitting bulk items?

Preliminary Research

Competitive Analysis

Target has an exceptional flow that allows the user to add others to their curbside pickup order.

For reSkued, we wanted to explore what delegating pickup meant for having different groups of people pickup your order, while also integrating a similar flow.

Food delivery/ordering services like DoorDash and Uber Eats have a feature that allows the user to build group orders with others.

With reSkued, we wanted to pull inspiration from how to start a group order, along with viewing cart items and total expenses.

User Personas

Delegating Pickup

Aaron is a reSkued customer who cannot pick up his order

He needs…

  • Another individual to pick up his order in his place

  • Assign individual within reSkued web app

He wants…

  • Allow individual to access important order information

  • Receive confirmation when order is picked up

Carry is a ReSkued customer cannot pick up her order

She needs…

  • Another nearby business that users reSkued to pick up and deliver her order.

  • A way to find other businesses

She wants…

  • Want to know when others have agreed to pick up her order

  • Receive confirmation when order is picked up

for Design

Alternate Pickup Person

Main account holder can add authorized alternate pickup people.

Provide vehicle model and color of alternate driver for added verification

reSkued Community Pickup

Users can post their pending order to a virtual board for other reSkuers to help out.

Compensation can be introduced as incentives to pick up other orders.

Group Buying

Barry is a local bakery owner who splits his orders with a nearby restaurant.

He needs…

  • A way to split wholesale products with each other electronically

He wants…

  • Efficient way to communicate what they want to split in reSkued.

Lola wants to split a bulk item, but doesn’t know who would split it with her

She needs…

  • A way to find other businesses interested in splitting their carts

She wants…

  • Opportunities to network with other businesses in her area

for Design

Group Ordering

Start group carts in reSkued, where multiple users to contribute.

View personal total, and cart total

Connecting Businesses

Post to virtual board to split desired bulk items, and find posts on this virtual board.

reSkued Community

As we worked on conceptualizing these two features, we came to realize how they overlapped in many ways. We found a new opportunity that we called reSkued Community, inspired by the fact that reSkued could have more longevity and greater environmental impact if they incorporate and prioritized the power of community.

We imagined that the features where reSkuers would be interacting frequently with each other would exist on a new tab in the site, called the community tab.

Initial Design Stages

User Flows

Group Buying

Delegating Pickup

*Red flow indicates community aspect

Final Designs

Delegating Pickup

1. Adding an Alternate Pickup Person

Users can also navigate to the community tab to view their own pickup requests, and possibly find others near them to help out fellow reSkuers.

Delegating Pickup

2. Community Board for Pickup Requests

Users can also navigate to the community tab to view their own pickup requests, and possibly find others near them to help out fellow reSkuers.

Group Buying

1. Creating a Group Cart

After ordering, users can edit their desired pickup person to an alternative pickup person they know, or posting a reSkued Community Pickup request.

When users find a desired item they hope to split, but not sure who to split it with, they can post this to a community board.

Additionally, users can look through can find others to split with on the community board. After users find a product they want to split with others, we imagined they would contact each other outside the platform, then create a group cart together.

Group Buying

2. Posting and Finding Split Requests

Next Steps

Usability Testing, Implementation

reSkued is my first professional experience. While working as a UX UI Design Intern at Cargill with reSkued, I was tasked to work on multiple projects for this particular client throughout the summer. This was my first time working with the Agile Methodology in 1-week sprints and also working on particular objectives by myself while also communicating back and forth with my team member, Adaeze.

Through this project, I learned not only how to design surrounding a niche topic, but also how to apply feedback from industry professionals and other team members, like software developers and product owners. My most important takeaway from this was developing my own scope surrounding the features I was responsible for. My main focus for this case study was group buying, and with this, I was given less direction than expected to develop these features. After about 7 solo-whiteboarding sessions, I was able to create multiple user flows for group buying.

I will always be able to look back on this project, along with the many other backlog items I worked on for reSkued, with gratitude and appreciate, as it developed my technical skills in UX UI design, and made me more comfortable with presenting to and speaking with clients.
