Art Exhibition

ARTD333 Semester Project

Jan 2023 - April 2023


Learning Outcomes
Branding, asset development, typographic practice, prototyping,
Adobe Suite, Figma

Art exhibitions are visual experiences for attendees, whether in be in the actual exhibition or through supporting design materials. In this project, I am exploring how to convey the premise of my subject through color, typography, and other visual design elements.

The Project

Choose an artist, designer, or subject to create an art exhibition about. Design branding and supporting visual materials to promote your exhibition subject effectively.

Preliminary Research

The Subject

For my subject, I chose the Solarpunk aesthetic. If you were familiar with the rise of Cyberpunk and dystopian fantasy, then think the opposite of it for Solarpunk. Essentially, Solarpunk is imagining the future as a utopia where science and nature work hand-in-hand.

Before gathering any visuals, I conducted preliminary research to ensure I fully understood my subject. Here’s some crucial aspects of the Solarpunk movement:

The Origin

Solarpunk originated from Brazil in 2012.

It is a movement of speculative fiction. It is also embodied in fashion, architecture, and video games.

Its Meaning

It envisions humanity at its peak: post-capitalistic, and sustainable.

Solarpunk is important to be seen as diverse, spiritual and scientific, and beautiful

The Inspiration

Art Nouveau’s depiction of plants

Frank Lloyd Wright’s organic architecture

Studio Ghibli: Castle in the Sky

Examples of Solarpunk

“Agroforestry”by J. Queiroz

“Eat Today, Feed Tomorrow” by Choboni


For my design system, I wanted to focus on optimistic colors with styles that are modern. I also wanted to experiment with typography that was fluid, but also futuristic.

During this phase of the project, I also wanted to explore already existing sci-fi aesthetics. However, I found many sci-fi materials often are exploring a dystopian world. These carry much darker aesthetics which I did not want to incorporate into my design.

Brand Identity

Logo Development

For my logo, I first started off with three different possible directions based off of my moodboard, but ended up working with the second option.

Final Logo Design & Style Sheet

Promotional Materials

Poster Design

After creating my logo design and establishing a brand identity, I then moved onto promoting my created art exhibition. To gain traction, I created a promotional poster that would inform viewers of the time, place, and the subject.

Going into this project, I just created two drafts using my logo and other elements. While I enjoy the poster on the right, it didn’t scream art exhibition enough.

Final Poster Design

For my final poster design, I opted to choose an artwork from my subject choice and feature it to further communicate that the poster was for an art exhibition. Additionally, I played with the gradient that I already had created in my branding.

Merchandise & Signage


To explore the themes behind my exhibition further, I created additional materials that worked seamlessly with my designs system.

Museum Banners

Museum banners are primary for promoting museum exhibitions. Additionally, this uses less paper for posters, while also grabbing the attention of multiple people.


As Solarpunk emphasizes sustainability, I opted to design E-tickets instead of physical tickets to emphasize a more sustainable movement.

Tote Bag

Tote bags not only promotes the museum, but also the exhibit. Tote bags are walking promotion, while also serving as an eco-friendly bag option for customers.

For these designs, I wanted to create designs that were further than just gradients. Here, I played with different textures, overlays, and blending modes, to create materials that fit seamlessly into my design system.


For the final part of this semester long project, I created a website that would both educate the viewer on the exhibition, but also prompt them to visit it. I continued using my stylesheet, and assets that were developed throughout this project, while also creating new one thats would be exclusively for web design.