Spirited Away Poster

ARTD151 Project

Oct. 2021 - Nov. 2021

Learning Outcomes
Concept Development,
& Vector Illustrations

Spirited Away is a well-known animated feature by Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki. Chihiro embarks on a magical journey joined by spirits, witches, and a dragon to leave the spirit realm with her parents. In this poster, I focused on the grand telling of Chihiro’s story through visuals.

Project Prompt

Design a premiere poster for your selected movie including intentinoal design elements.

Preliminary Design


Before designing, I found official
posters of the movie. While my art style does not reflect these, I wanted to create something with a similar feeling of a grand journey paired with a magical world.


I sketched three different posters for this project with focus on iconic characters, scenes, and symbols from the movie.

I decided to work on the first sketch I made, as it had the most storytelling potential.

Initial Design Stage

First, Second, and Third Draft

Jumping into digitizing my design, I spent time building the bones of my poster before adding more text, detail and color. Between my first and second draft, I realized the composition of the piece did not put emphasis on the title. When working with color, I opted for more vibrant colors resembling a sunset to add more drama to the piece.

Final Design

In this final design, the poster is well balanced between the composition and the colors. While there is detail, there is not too much detail the draw attention away from the communication aspect of the poster.

Additionally, the poster reads well from top to bottom, following the shape of the dragon, calling back to my original concept of following a grand, big journey.